Here are some latest pics of happenings around the house.. and out of the house.
Laura loves to bake, we attended her open house at her preschool. The ladies pictured are her director and her teacher.
Codi and Robert are doing fantastic at school! I cannot believe how fast she caught up with her missed days and assignments. This week she has an overnight fieldtrip, everyone has school pictures on Thursday and The two mighty Roberts drive to Omaha for a day together on Friday. I believe they are planning a guys day which includes The Great Outdoors, hunting and fishing mega store and lunch. ( I am so happy they are doing a day together). Laura is liking her school more and more, I am so relieved to hear, 'I like school' instead of the opposite. Well, that is me catching up. If you would like to leave a comment, click comment and it just follow the steps. Have a blessed day!
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